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Busting Myths – VoIP Phone Systems

When it comes to anything new or different there will always be more than one opinion and often these opinions can turn into misleading information that complicates something that really is quite simple. To bust the myths around VoIP phone systems we have taken the most common worries and queries and answered accordingly. Find out if what you thought about VoIP systems is true or myth.

Myth #1: I need to get a new number when I change to VoIP.

Busted! You can keep your existing number when you decide to make the switch, no questions asked. The way they do this is through a process called “number porting” which transfers any amount of numbers you have to your new VoIP service with ease. If you are keen on a new phone number you can also choose which number you would like for a fresh start.

Myth #2: Set up is hard and complicated.

Busted! Setting up a VoIP system is so easy and quick, much faster and less costly than a traditional phone system. It only takes a few simple steps to get started and once everything is ready to go you can change features, manage messages, and automated call answering through an app or computer login. Most providers also have a support line that is available to help you through any challenges or issues you may have. Better yet, if you are not ready for a fully new system you can still have a VoIP installed without changing any of your handsets and then slowly make the move to a fully hosted system when you are ready – this is also known as a hybrid phone system.

Myth #3: I’ll have to get all new phones.

Definitely not! Keep your existing phones if you are happy with the functions they offer, we do recommend that your phone are not so old that they can’t handle the VoIP features though, like speakerphone etc. That includes mobiles, desk phones, computers and softphones.  It is important to note that VoIP specific desk phones are available if you want to make the most of the features and abilities they can offer your business, but a VoIP will work with any phone, just not optimally.

Myth #4: It will be too technical for me to understand.

Wrong! If you have not been living under a rock or in the dark ages the last few years, there really is nothing you need to worry about. Most of us use computers, social media, chat apps and mobile phones. If you can do all that, you will have no issues using a VoIP system, they actually make your life less technical and are super easy to use!

Myth #5: It’s something for big businesses, not my small/medium business.

Not true! Any business size can benefit from VoIP systems, no matter how small or large. There really is something for everyone when it comes to hosted phone systems and some providers are specially trained to assist small businesses, while others are able to tackle the larger corporations. Either way, you will be able to thrive with a VoIP.

Myth #6: VoIP isn’t secure

Busted! VoIP phone systems are actually known for their additional measures of security that traditional phone systems cannot offer due to the in house PBX box being just that, in house. Read more about security here.

Myth #7: You can’t fax over VoIP.

Funnily enough, fax machines will become redundant, so you can be happy that the big clunky machine will be out of your way! Instead of sending and receiving faxes the traditional way, VoIP phone systems allow you to send and receive them with your smartphone or computer instead, saving a whole lot of work and a whole lot of machine maintenance.

The Wrap Up

We hope that through busting these common VoIP myths your internal and external stressors will be put to rest. If you have any further questions, get your free quotes now and speak with a professional VoIP provider that can help you with anything we might have missed.

Business Phone Systems